Dentistry was not my first choice. In fact, I didn’t have a first choice, and that was kind of my problem. But I had a great mentor who was my dentist. I grew up in Hawaii, so he was my dentist in Hawaii. I talked to him a couple of times, and he said, “You know, you ought to think about dentistry and try it.” My college education was all about pre-med, pre-dental anyway, and so it was a perfect fit. I was kinda heading that direction. I just had to figure out which field to go into, whether it was medicine or physical therapy, or dentistry kind of thing. But I really couldn’t decide.
And so through a great mentor, he suggested this, and I kinda steered my direction to that and friends that were also in the same direction. And so we all kinda worked together towards that. Great, I’m glad I did. It was the best profession for me, personally. My personality and my skill set just aligned perfectly with dentistry. Dentistry is a field that has…there’s a lot of opportunity for rewards. The greatest…one of the most important things, and I might get into this a little bit later, is that the relationship part of my job is the best.
We can help somebody identify a problem, make suggestions about what would be helpful for them and give them the reasons why and why we suggest this. We never push anything on anybody, but we try to educate them to the point where they kinda decide what they want and what their best options are, and then try to do what we can to help them make that happen for them.
And if we can do that and they end up with a healthy smile that they’re really happy with and that they’re proud of, then that’s the greatest reward. I like to engage with the patient, find out what they want, and deliver the absolute best customer service and pleasant experience that I can. If someone comes to us with fear of dental work and they walk out without that fear, I think I’m really happy with the result.
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